ixwebhosting,真他妈的想说爱你不容易,独立ip是鸡肋也就算了,网站速度慢我也忍受了,号称的无限空间现在开始限制了,限制文件数目,文件数目超标也不让上传,真tmd有种啊,从来没见过有这种要求的美国主机,美国空间,真受不了,ixwebhosting,真实让人郁闷的美国主机! 妈的,以前因为支持支付宝没有信用卡买的,现在是让让我感觉垃圾的一家美国虚拟主机供应商,真是郁闷! 为了证明我不是诬告人家: 看看他给我的回复吧: =============================================== Thank you for contacting our technical support team! We are sorry for possible inconveniences, but please keep in mind that there is server side limitation for quantity of files in your account and it is 300 000 files. As we have checked your account has almost reached this limitation and that is why you were unable to upload new images. We suggest you to decrease quantity of files in your account and then try to upload new files. Thank you for your understanding. Should you have any further questions, feel free to contact us any time. We are available 24/7. ===============================================